Work completed with Nova Networks.
South Nation Conservation (SNC) is a group of scientists, educators, and citizens with a rich history and vital role in maintaining the environment. Having a 4,200 square kilometer area of oversight, the company’s mission is to protect and improve water resources for future generations.
Build a user-friendly digital system enabling easy content consumption and intuitive navigation.
Over the years, this institution has published hundreds of pages of amazing content. But as their site grew, so did the need for a better approach and easier navigation.
Starting by rigorously classifying SNC’s content and establishing links between the many environmental needs of the community and their organization, we developed an intuitive site layout users won’t get lost in.
User Experience and User Interface Design
By keeping a consistent page hierarchy and adding breadcrumbs to the site, we ensure that users are always be able to see where they are in the site, where they can navigate from here, and what other related pages are available. Main sections of the site are colour-coded in the navigation, a subtle detail in the overall UX/UI solution that greatly increased the usability of the site for users.