Dental Peers is an Ottawa-based company that provides dental offices with essential supplies and management training, helping them to improve their bottom line
Good Robots was proud to work under contract with Stega Networks for this project.
The Marketing Challenge
Increase customer base.
Dental Peers came to us having 160 clients across Ontario and Alberta. But there was still a room for growth. Thus, Dental Peers would like to reach more dental practice owners and get them subscribed for the company’s services.
The Marketing Solution
Working with local I.T. firm Stega Networks we helped Dental Peers to develop a clear understanding of how to communicate the benefits of their offerings to the potential customers. We designed a graphic to help customers understand these benefits “at-a-glance.”
Unlocked sales potential
During initial examination we noticed that the company’s current website was outdated and contained just basic information about Dental Peers and its offering. Thus, we started by developing a modern-looking website that has power to attract new clients. By focusing website content on the benefits of Dental Peers subscription and adding success stories and testimonials, we were able to turn the company’s website into a sales tool. In addition, we’ve redesigned the company’s promotional materials to facilitate sales process and contributed to the company’s expansion to other provinces.
Strategic use of Social Media
After exploring the market, we realised that dentists have a tight-knit community Dental Peers could easily tap into. By producing valuable content dentists shared across their professional network, we were able to reach more potential customers in an non-intrusive way.